An inspection design method and procedure by which mobile robots can inspect large pipe structures has been demonstrated with the successful inspection of multiple defects on a three-meter long steel pipe using guided acoustic wave sensors.An inspection design method and procedure by which mobile robots can inspect large pipe structures has been demonstrated with the successful inspection of multiple defects on a three-meter long steel pipe using guided acoustic wave sensors.Robotics[#item_full_content]

An inspection design method and procedure by which mobile robots can inspect large pipe structures has been demonstrated with the successful inspection of multiple defects on a three-meter long steel pipe using guided acoustic wave sensors.An inspection design method and procedure by which mobile robots can inspect large pipe structures has been demonstrated with the successful inspection of multiple defects on a three-meter long steel pipe using guided acoustic wave sensors.[#item_full_content]

The pronounced positive confidence bias that is a characteristic and apparently irrational trait of human decision-making has been replicated and dissected using an artificial intelligence (AI) model. The unnerving result, published in Nature Communications by a RIKEN-led team, reveals that our inflated sense of confidence might stem from subtle observational cues.The pronounced positive confidence bias that is a characteristic and apparently irrational trait of human decision-making has been replicated and dissected using an artificial intelligence (AI) model. The unnerving result, published in Nature Communications by a RIKEN-led team, reveals that our inflated sense of confidence might stem from subtle observational cues.Machine learning & AI[#item_full_content]

A year after the history-making release of ChatGPT, the AI revolution is here, but the recent boardroom crisis at OpenAI, the super app’s company, has erased any doubt that Big Tech is in charge.A year after the history-making release of ChatGPT, the AI revolution is here, but the recent boardroom crisis at OpenAI, the super app’s company, has erased any doubt that Big Tech is in charge.Business[#item_full_content]

Amazon thought it had found an efficient way to find the best workers. Recruitment is time consuming and expensive, so why not outsource it to artificial intelligence (AI)?Amazon thought it had found an efficient way to find the best workers. Recruitment is time consuming and expensive, so why not outsource it to artificial intelligence (AI)?Business[#item_full_content]

Self-driving cars are both fascinating and fear-inducing, as they must accurately assess and navigate the rapidly changing environment. Computer vision, which uses computation to extract information from imagery, is an important aspect of autonomous driving, with tasks ranging from low level, such as determining how far away a given location is from the vehicle, to higher level, such as determining if there is a pedestrian in the road.Self-driving cars are both fascinating and fear-inducing, as they must accurately assess and navigate the rapidly changing environment. Computer vision, which uses computation to extract information from imagery, is an important aspect of autonomous driving, with tasks ranging from low level, such as determining how far away a given location is from the vehicle, to higher level, such as determining if there is a pedestrian in the road.Automotive[#item_full_content]

Led by Dr. Jue Ruan and Dr. Weihua Pan, a study published in the journal National Science Review delves into the realm of DNA digital storage (DDS), a technology acclaimed for its high-density (EB/g), long-term (million years) and low maintenance costs, offering a promising solution for the ever-growing demands of big data storage.Led by Dr. Jue Ruan and Dr. Weihua Pan, a study published in the journal National Science Review delves into the realm of DNA digital storage (DDS), a technology acclaimed for its high-density (EB/g), long-term (million years) and low maintenance costs, offering a promising solution for the ever-growing demands of big data storage.[#item_full_content]
