Robotics systems have already been introduced in numerous real-world settings, including some industrial and manufacturing facilities. In these facilities, robots can assist human assembly line and warehouse workers, assembling some parts of products with high precision and then handing them to human agents tasked with performing additional actions.Robotics systems have already been introduced in numerous real-world settings, including some industrial and manufacturing facilities. In these facilities, robots can assist human assembly line and warehouse workers, assembling some parts of products with high precision and then handing them to human agents tasked with performing additional actions.Hi Tech & Innovation[#item_full_content]

Small robots are important tools for the investigation and inspection of, well, small spaces. They can carefully place their steps, allowing them to navigate around obstacles, capabilities larger robots do not always possess. This can enable them to inspect machinery or search through rubble in disaster scenarios that other robots cannot reach. However, due to their size constraints, building small robots that can steer themselves and carry their own power sources is difficult.Small robots are important tools for the investigation and inspection of, well, small spaces. They can carefully place their steps, allowing them to navigate around obstacles, capabilities larger robots do not always possess. This can enable them to inspect machinery or search through rubble in disaster scenarios that other robots cannot reach. However, due to their size constraints, building small robots that can steer themselves and carry their own power sources is difficult.[#item_full_content]

Virginia Tech researchers have discovered limitations in ChatGPT’s capacity to provide location-specific information about environmental justice issues. Their findings, published in the journal Telematics and Informatics, suggest the potential for geographic biases existing in current generative artificial intelligence (AI) models.Virginia Tech researchers have discovered limitations in ChatGPT’s capacity to provide location-specific information about environmental justice issues. Their findings, published in the journal Telematics and Informatics, suggest the potential for geographic biases existing in current generative artificial intelligence (AI) models.[#item_full_content]

Virginia Tech researchers have discovered limitations in ChatGPT’s capacity to provide location-specific information about environmental justice issues. Their findings, published in the journal Telematics and Informatics, suggest the potential for geographic biases existing in current generative artificial intelligence (AI) models.Virginia Tech researchers have discovered limitations in ChatGPT’s capacity to provide location-specific information about environmental justice issues. Their findings, published in the journal Telematics and Informatics, suggest the potential for geographic biases existing in current generative artificial intelligence (AI) models.Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]

As efforts to transition away from fossil fuels strengthen the hunt for new sources of low-carbon energy, scientists have developed a deep learning model to scan the Earth for surface expressions of subsurface reservoirs of naturally occurring free hydrogen.As efforts to transition away from fossil fuels strengthen the hunt for new sources of low-carbon energy, scientists have developed a deep learning model to scan the Earth for surface expressions of subsurface reservoirs of naturally occurring free hydrogen.Energy & Green Tech[#item_full_content]

Imagine you are scrolling through the photos on your phone and you come across an image that at first you can’t recognize. It looks like maybe something fuzzy on the couch; could it be a pillow or a coat? After a couple of seconds it clicks—of course! That ball of fluff is your friend’s cat, Mocha. While some of your photos could be understood in an instant, why was this cat photo much more difficult?Imagine you are scrolling through the photos on your phone and you come across an image that at first you can’t recognize. It looks like maybe something fuzzy on the couch; could it be a pillow or a coat? After a couple of seconds it clicks—of course! That ball of fluff is your friend’s cat, Mocha. While some of your photos could be understood in an instant, why was this cat photo much more difficult?[#item_full_content]

Imagine you are scrolling through the photos on your phone and you come across an image that at first you can’t recognize. It looks like maybe something fuzzy on the couch; could it be a pillow or a coat? After a couple of seconds it clicks—of course! That ball of fluff is your friend’s cat, Mocha. While some of your photos could be understood in an instant, why was this cat photo much more difficult?Imagine you are scrolling through the photos on your phone and you come across an image that at first you can’t recognize. It looks like maybe something fuzzy on the couch; could it be a pillow or a coat? After a couple of seconds it clicks—of course! That ball of fluff is your friend’s cat, Mocha. While some of your photos could be understood in an instant, why was this cat photo much more difficult?Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]

A study in the International Journal of Business Information Systems has looked at the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on digital marketing. The researchers provide a pragmatic view of the future of this area of marketing and focus on what they describe as the tangible benefits offered by AI solutions.A study in the International Journal of Business Information Systems has looked at the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on digital marketing. The researchers provide a pragmatic view of the future of this area of marketing and focus on what they describe as the tangible benefits offered by AI solutions.Business[#item_full_content]

Google Deepmind has recently announced Gemini, its new AI model to compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. While both models are examples of “generative AI,” which learn to find patterns of input training information to generate new data (pictures, words or other media), ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) which focuses on producing text.Google Deepmind has recently announced Gemini, its new AI model to compete with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. While both models are examples of “generative AI,” which learn to find patterns of input training information to generate new data (pictures, words or other media), ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) which focuses on producing text.Software[#item_full_content]

Transformer architectures have facilitated the development of large-scale and general-purpose sequence models for prediction tasks in natural language processing and computer vision, for example, GPT-3 and Swin Transformer.Transformer architectures have facilitated the development of large-scale and general-purpose sequence models for prediction tasks in natural language processing and computer vision, for example, GPT-3 and Swin Transformer.[#item_full_content]
