Traditional fingerprint identification methods can struggle with accurately identifying feature points in smaller regions. This is usually where a subset of fingerprints that are of limited size might typically be found in a restricted regions of a larger fingerprint image. Ultimately this usually leads to lower recognition accuracy and weaker evidence gleaned from a crime scene investigation, for instance.Traditional fingerprint identification methods can struggle with accurately identifying feature points in smaller regions. This is usually where a subset of fingerprints that are of limited size might typically be found in a restricted regions of a larger fingerprint image. Ultimately this usually leads to lower recognition accuracy and weaker evidence gleaned from a crime scene investigation, for instance.[#item_full_content]

Traditional fingerprint identification methods can struggle with accurately identifying feature points in smaller regions. This is usually where a subset of fingerprints that are of limited size might typically be found in a restricted regions of a larger fingerprint image. Ultimately this usually leads to lower recognition accuracy and weaker evidence gleaned from a crime scene investigation, for instance.Traditional fingerprint identification methods can struggle with accurately identifying feature points in smaller regions. This is usually where a subset of fingerprints that are of limited size might typically be found in a restricted regions of a larger fingerprint image. Ultimately this usually leads to lower recognition accuracy and weaker evidence gleaned from a crime scene investigation, for instance.Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]

Princeton researchers have created an artificial intelligence (AI) tool to predict the behavior of crystalline materials, a key step in advancing technologies such as batteries and semiconductors. Although computer simulations are commonly used in crystal design, the new method relies on a large language model, similar to those that power text generators like ChatGPT.Princeton researchers have created an artificial intelligence (AI) tool to predict the behavior of crystalline materials, a key step in advancing technologies such as batteries and semiconductors. Although computer simulations are commonly used in crystal design, the new method relies on a large language model, similar to those that power text generators like ChatGPT.[#item_full_content]

Princeton researchers have created an artificial intelligence (AI) tool to predict the behavior of crystalline materials, a key step in advancing technologies such as batteries and semiconductors. Although computer simulations are commonly used in crystal design, the new method relies on a large language model, similar to those that power text generators like ChatGPT.Princeton researchers have created an artificial intelligence (AI) tool to predict the behavior of crystalline materials, a key step in advancing technologies such as batteries and semiconductors. Although computer simulations are commonly used in crystal design, the new method relies on a large language model, similar to those that power text generators like ChatGPT.Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]

The European Union is negotiating an Artificial Intelligence Act, the world’s first comprehensive law that aims to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) based on the risk it poses to individuals, society and the environment.The European Union is negotiating an Artificial Intelligence Act, the world’s first comprehensive law that aims to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) based on the risk it poses to individuals, society and the environment.Energy & Green Tech[#item_full_content]

The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 has issued a stark warning: misinformation and disinformation, primarily driven by deepfakes, are ranked as the most severe global short-term risks the world faces in the next two years.The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 has issued a stark warning: misinformation and disinformation, primarily driven by deepfakes, are ranked as the most severe global short-term risks the world faces in the next two years.Security[#item_full_content]

Researchers have developed a robotic sensor that incorporates artificial intelligence techniques to read braille at speeds roughly double that of most human readers.Researchers have developed a robotic sensor that incorporates artificial intelligence techniques to read braille at speeds roughly double that of most human readers.Robotics[#item_full_content]

Researchers have developed a robotic sensor that incorporates artificial intelligence techniques to read braille at speeds roughly double that of most human readers.Researchers have developed a robotic sensor that incorporates artificial intelligence techniques to read braille at speeds roughly double that of most human readers.[#item_full_content]

Social robots can help us with many things: teaching, learning, caring. Because they’re designed to interact with humans, they’re designed to make us comfortable—and that includes the way they talk. But how should they talk? Some research suggests that people like robots to use a familiar accent or dialect, while other research suggests the opposite.Social robots can help us with many things: teaching, learning, caring. Because they’re designed to interact with humans, they’re designed to make us comfortable—and that includes the way they talk. But how should they talk? Some research suggests that people like robots to use a familiar accent or dialect, while other research suggests the opposite.[#item_full_content]
