Artificial intelligence (AI) is already reshaping various industries, from medicine and education to science and finance. AI is set to disrupt yet another market: pornography. Advancements in machine learning and AI algorithms for image and video production have contributed to the growth of websites for AI-generated pornography, commonly referred to as AI porn.Artificial intelligence (AI) is already reshaping various industries, from medicine and education to science and finance. AI is set to disrupt yet another market: pornography. Advancements in machine learning and AI algorithms for image and video production have contributed to the growth of websites for AI-generated pornography, commonly referred to as AI porn.Business[#item_full_content]

Time and again, leading scientists, technologists, and philosophers have made spectacularly terrible guesses about the direction of innovation. Even Einstein was not immune, claiming, “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable,” just 10 years before Enrico Fermi completed construction of the first fission reactor in Chicago. Shortly thereafter, the consensus switched to fears of an imminent nuclear holocaust.Time and again, leading scientists, technologists, and philosophers have made spectacularly terrible guesses about the direction of innovation. Even Einstein was not immune, claiming, “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable,” just 10 years before Enrico Fermi completed construction of the first fission reactor in Chicago. Shortly thereafter, the consensus switched to fears of an imminent nuclear holocaust.Business[#item_full_content]

Artificial intelligence’s move into modern warfare is raising concerns about the risks of escalation and the role of humans in decision-making.Artificial intelligence’s move into modern warfare is raising concerns about the risks of escalation and the role of humans in decision-making.Machine learning & AI[#item_full_content]

As artificial intelligence gets better at giving humans what they want, it also could get better at giving malicious humans what they want.As artificial intelligence gets better at giving humans what they want, it also could get better at giving malicious humans what they want.Machine learning & AI[#item_full_content]

A user could ask ChatGPT to write a computer program or summarize an article, and the AI chatbot would likely be able to generate useful code or write a cogent synopsis. However, someone could also ask for instructions to build a bomb, and the chatbot might be able to provide those, too.A user could ask ChatGPT to write a computer program or summarize an article, and the AI chatbot would likely be able to generate useful code or write a cogent synopsis. However, someone could also ask for instructions to build a bomb, and the chatbot might be able to provide those, too.Security[#item_full_content]

South Korea will invest almost $7 billion in artificial intelligence by 2027 in an effort to become a global leader in cutting-edge semiconductors, President Yoon Suk Yeol said Tuesday.South Korea will invest almost $7 billion in artificial intelligence by 2027 in an effort to become a global leader in cutting-edge semiconductors, President Yoon Suk Yeol said Tuesday.Machine learning & AI[#item_full_content]

Do market researchers still need to conduct original research using human participants in their work? Not always, according to a new study. The study found that thanks to the increasing sophistication of large language models (LLMs), human participants can be substituted with LLMs and still generate similar outputs as those generated from human surveys.Do market researchers still need to conduct original research using human participants in their work? Not always, according to a new study. The study found that thanks to the increasing sophistication of large language models (LLMs), human participants can be substituted with LLMs and still generate similar outputs as those generated from human surveys.Business[#item_full_content]

Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence transforming society by teaching computers to process information using artificial neural networks that mimic the human brain. It is now used in facial recognition, self-driving cars and even in the playing of complex games like Go. In general, the success of deep learning has depended on using large datasets of labeled images for training purposes.Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence transforming society by teaching computers to process information using artificial neural networks that mimic the human brain. It is now used in facial recognition, self-driving cars and even in the playing of complex games like Go. In general, the success of deep learning has depended on using large datasets of labeled images for training purposes.Software[#item_full_content]

The concept of Waddington landscape, originally proposed by British developmental biologist Conrad Hal Waddington in 1957, has been influential in describing the dynamical evolution of cellular development.The concept of Waddington landscape, originally proposed by British developmental biologist Conrad Hal Waddington in 1957, has been influential in describing the dynamical evolution of cellular development.[#item_full_content]

The concept of Waddington landscape, originally proposed by British developmental biologist Conrad Hal Waddington in 1957, has been influential in describing the dynamical evolution of cellular development.The concept of Waddington landscape, originally proposed by British developmental biologist Conrad Hal Waddington in 1957, has been influential in describing the dynamical evolution of cellular development.Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]
