Seeking to improve the practicality of optical neural networks that use wavelength division multiplexing, a research team developed a structure called multiplexed neuron sets and a corresponding backpropagation training algorithm.Seeking to improve the practicality of optical neural networks that use wavelength division multiplexing, a research team developed a structure called multiplexed neuron sets and a corresponding backpropagation training algorithm.[#item_full_content]

Research in the International Journal of Biometrics introduces a new method for assessing a practitioner’s precision in martial arts training. The method focuses on quickly identifying errors in the athlete’s movements and allowing their trainer to more precisely guide them to correct form.Research in the International Journal of Biometrics introduces a new method for assessing a practitioner’s precision in martial arts training. The method focuses on quickly identifying errors in the athlete’s movements and allowing their trainer to more precisely guide them to correct form.[#item_full_content]

A review published in the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing has investigated ways in which the increasing problem of duplicate data in computer storage systems might be addressed. Solutions to this problem could improve storage efficiency, system performance, and reduce the overall demand on resources.A review published in the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing has investigated ways in which the increasing problem of duplicate data in computer storage systems might be addressed. Solutions to this problem could improve storage efficiency, system performance, and reduce the overall demand on resources.[#item_full_content]

From a luxury to a day-to-day necessity, computing isn’t quite what it used to be. As applications like machine learning and 5G mobile networks become the norm, the need for high computing performance has never been greater. This has also necessitated the development of more energy-efficient and cost-effective systems like “chiplets” to help these applications run smoothly.From a luxury to a day-to-day necessity, computing isn’t quite what it used to be. As applications like machine learning and 5G mobile networks become the norm, the need for high computing performance has never been greater. This has also necessitated the development of more energy-efficient and cost-effective systems like “chiplets” to help these applications run smoothly.[#item_full_content]

Speech is critical to detecting suicidal ideation and a key to understanding the mental and emotional state of people experiencing it. Suicide hotline counselors are trained to quickly analyze speech variation to better help callers through a crisis.Speech is critical to detecting suicidal ideation and a key to understanding the mental and emotional state of people experiencing it. Suicide hotline counselors are trained to quickly analyze speech variation to better help callers through a crisis.[#item_full_content]

A research group including Professor Hasuo Ichiro of the Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division of the National Institute of Informatics, Dr. Waga Masaki, Assistant Professor of the Department of Informatics in the Graduate School of Informatics of Kyoto University and others has mathematically formulated the hazardous scenarios specified in ISO 34502, an international standard that stipulates a framework for the safety assurance of vehicles with automated driving systems as a part of the Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology.A research group including Professor Hasuo Ichiro of the Information Systems Architecture Science Research Division of the National Institute of Informatics, Dr. Waga Masaki, Assistant Professor of the Department of Informatics in the Graduate School of Informatics of Kyoto University and others has mathematically formulated the hazardous scenarios specified in ISO 34502, an international standard that stipulates a framework for the safety assurance of vehicles with automated driving systems as a part of the Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology.[#item_full_content]

Researchers at Aalto University were looking for better ways to instruct dance choreography in virtual reality. The new WAVE technique they developed will be presented in May at the CHI conference for human-computer interaction research.Researchers at Aalto University were looking for better ways to instruct dance choreography in virtual reality. The new WAVE technique they developed will be presented in May at the CHI conference for human-computer interaction research.[#item_full_content]

Computer science students at the University of Toronto are learning how to incorporate ethical considerations into the design and development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence with the help of a unique undergraduate initiative.Computer science students at the University of Toronto are learning how to incorporate ethical considerations into the design and development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence with the help of a unique undergraduate initiative.[#item_full_content]

Imagine the tap of a card that bought you a cup of coffee this morning also let a hacker halfway across the world access your bank account and buy themselves whatever they liked. Now imagine it wasn’t a one-off glitch, but it happened all the time: imagine the locks that secure our electronic data suddenly stopped working.Imagine the tap of a card that bought you a cup of coffee this morning also let a hacker halfway across the world access your bank account and buy themselves whatever they liked. Now imagine it wasn’t a one-off glitch, but it happened all the time: imagine the locks that secure our electronic data suddenly stopped working.[#item_full_content]
