Researchers have found two novel types of attacks that target the conditional branch predictor found in high-end Intel processors, which could be exploited to compromise billions of processors currently in use.Researchers have found two novel types of attacks that target the conditional branch predictor found in high-end Intel processors, which could be exploited to compromise billions of processors currently in use.[#item_full_content]

The preprint “POLAR: Adaptive and Non-invasive Join Order Selection via Plans of Least Resistance” introduces an adaptive query processing technique that lowers the adoption barrier for existing database systems while decreasing the risk of performance cliffs from ill-performing query plans.The preprint “POLAR: Adaptive and Non-invasive Join Order Selection via Plans of Least Resistance” introduces an adaptive query processing technique that lowers the adoption barrier for existing database systems while decreasing the risk of performance cliffs from ill-performing query plans.[#item_full_content]

A team of video and AI engineers at Adobe Research has developed an AI application called VideoGigaGAN, that can accept a blurry video and enhance it to make it a much shaper product. The team describes their work and results in an article posted to the arXiv preprint server. They have also posted several examples of the videos that they have enhanced on their project website page.A team of video and AI engineers at Adobe Research has developed an AI application called VideoGigaGAN, that can accept a blurry video and enhance it to make it a much shaper product. The team describes their work and results in an article posted to the arXiv preprint server. They have also posted several examples of the videos that they have enhanced on their project website page.[#item_full_content]

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have achieved a milestone in accelerating and adding features to complex multi-physics simulations run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), a development that could advance high-performance computing and engineering.Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have achieved a milestone in accelerating and adding features to complex multi-physics simulations run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), a development that could advance high-performance computing and engineering.[#item_full_content]

Vehicle passengers using VR headsets to pass the time during travel could be set to enjoy games which move at ‘ludicrous speed’ without experiencing motion sickness, researchers say.Vehicle passengers using VR headsets to pass the time during travel could be set to enjoy games which move at ‘ludicrous speed’ without experiencing motion sickness, researchers say.[#item_full_content]

In recent years, developers have introduced artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can simulate or reproduce various human abilities, such as recognizing objects in images, answering questions, and more. Yet in contrast with the human mind, which can deteriorate over time, these systems typically retain the same performance or even improve their skills over time.In recent years, developers have introduced artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can simulate or reproduce various human abilities, such as recognizing objects in images, answering questions, and more. Yet in contrast with the human mind, which can deteriorate over time, these systems typically retain the same performance or even improve their skills over time.[#item_full_content]

In a recent publication in Science China Life Sciences, a research team led by Professor Jing-Dong Jackie Han and Ph.D. student Xinyu Yang from Peking University established a deep learning model for age estimation using non-registered 3D face point clouds. They also proposed the coordinate-wise monotonic transformation algorithm to isolate age-related facial features from identifiable human faces.In a recent publication in Science China Life Sciences, a research team led by Professor Jing-Dong Jackie Han and Ph.D. student Xinyu Yang from Peking University established a deep learning model for age estimation using non-registered 3D face point clouds. They also proposed the coordinate-wise monotonic transformation algorithm to isolate age-related facial features from identifiable human faces.[#item_full_content]

We use computers to help us make (hopefully) unbiased decisions. The problem is that machine-learning algorithms do not always make fair classifications if human bias is embedded in the data used to train them—which is often the case in practice.We use computers to help us make (hopefully) unbiased decisions. The problem is that machine-learning algorithms do not always make fair classifications if human bias is embedded in the data used to train them—which is often the case in practice.[#item_full_content]

While the class imbalance issue has been extensively investigated within the multi-class paradigm, its study in the multi-dimensional classification (MDC) context has been limited due to the imbalance shift phenomenon. A sample’s classification as a minor or major class instance becomes ambiguous when it belongs to a minor class in one labeling dimension (LD) and a major class in another.While the class imbalance issue has been extensively investigated within the multi-class paradigm, its study in the multi-dimensional classification (MDC) context has been limited due to the imbalance shift phenomenon. A sample’s classification as a minor or major class instance becomes ambiguous when it belongs to a minor class in one labeling dimension (LD) and a major class in another.[#item_full_content]
