A study aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of grid electricity meters, particularly under challenging on-site conditions is published in the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology. The research offers practical suggestions for assessing and optimizing measurement performance.A study aimed at improving the accuracy and reliability of grid electricity meters, particularly under challenging on-site conditions is published in the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology. The research offers practical suggestions for assessing and optimizing measurement performance.[#item_full_content]

A team of researchers led by Assoc Prof Lu Shijian from the NTU School of Computer Science and Engineering has developed a computer program that creates realistic videos that reflect the facial expressions and head movements of the person speaking, only requiring an audio clip and a face photo.A team of researchers led by Assoc Prof Lu Shijian from the NTU School of Computer Science and Engineering has developed a computer program that creates realistic videos that reflect the facial expressions and head movements of the person speaking, only requiring an audio clip and a face photo.[#item_full_content]

In the background of image recognition software that can ID our friends on social media and wildflowers in our yard are neural networks, a type of artificial intelligence inspired by how own our brains process data.In the background of image recognition software that can ID our friends on social media and wildflowers in our yard are neural networks, a type of artificial intelligence inspired by how own our brains process data.[#item_full_content]

Personalized deep-learning models can enable artificial intelligence chatbots that adapt to understand a user’s accent or smart keyboards that continuously update to better predict the next word based on someone’s typing history. This customization requires constant fine-tuning of a machine-learning model with new data.Personalized deep-learning models can enable artificial intelligence chatbots that adapt to understand a user’s accent or smart keyboards that continuously update to better predict the next word based on someone’s typing history. This customization requires constant fine-tuning of a machine-learning model with new data.[#item_full_content]

Several years ago, MIT anthropologist Héctor Beltrán ’07 attended an event in Mexico billed as the first all-women’s hackathon in Latin America. But the programmers were not the only women there. When the time came for the hackathon pitches, a large number of family members arrived to watch.Several years ago, MIT anthropologist Héctor Beltrán ’07 attended an event in Mexico billed as the first all-women’s hackathon in Latin America. But the programmers were not the only women there. When the time came for the hackathon pitches, a large number of family members arrived to watch.[#item_full_content]

Unsupervised domain adaptation has garnered a great amount of attention and research in past decades. Among all the deep-based methods, the autoencoder-based approach has achieved sound performance for its fast convergence speed and a no-label requirement. The existing methods of autoencoders just serially connect the features generated by different autoencoders, which poses challenges for discriminative representation learning and which fails to find the real cross-domain features.Unsupervised domain adaptation has garnered a great amount of attention and research in past decades. Among all the deep-based methods, the autoencoder-based approach has achieved sound performance for its fast convergence speed and a no-label requirement. The existing methods of autoencoders just serially connect the features generated by different autoencoders, which poses challenges for discriminative representation learning and which fails to find the real cross-domain features.[#item_full_content]

Distributed cloud storage is a hot topic for security researchers around the globe pursuing secure data storage, and a team in China is now merging quantum physics with mature cryptography and storage techniques to achieve a cost-effective cloud storage solution.Distributed cloud storage is a hot topic for security researchers around the globe pursuing secure data storage, and a team in China is now merging quantum physics with mature cryptography and storage techniques to achieve a cost-effective cloud storage solution.[#item_full_content]

In the past year, AI image generators have experienced unprecedented popularity. With just a few clicks, all kinds of images can be created: even dehumanizing imagery and hate memes can be included. CISPA researcher Yiting Qu from the team of CISPA Faculty Dr. Yang Zhang has now investigated the proportion of these images among the most popular AI image generators and how their creation can be prevented with effective filters.In the past year, AI image generators have experienced unprecedented popularity. With just a few clicks, all kinds of images can be created: even dehumanizing imagery and hate memes can be included. CISPA researcher Yiting Qu from the team of CISPA Faculty Dr. Yang Zhang has now investigated the proportion of these images among the most popular AI image generators and how their creation can be prevented with effective filters.[#item_full_content]
