A new algorithm may make robots safer by making them more aware of human inattentiveness. In computerized simulations of packaging and assembly lines where humans and robots work together, the algorithm developed to account for human carelessness improved safety by about a maximum of 80% and efficiency by about a maximum of 38% compared to existing methods.A new algorithm may make robots safer by making them more aware of human inattentiveness. In computerized simulations of packaging and assembly lines where humans and robots work together, the algorithm developed to account for human carelessness improved safety by about a maximum of 80% and efficiency by about a maximum of 38% compared to existing methods.[#item_full_content]

A team of AI researchers at Sakana AI, in Japan, working with colleagues from the University of Oxford and the University of British Columbia, has developed an AI system that can conduct scientific research autonomously.A team of AI researchers at Sakana AI, in Japan, working with colleagues from the University of Oxford and the University of British Columbia, has developed an AI system that can conduct scientific research autonomously.[#item_full_content]

Despite the vast amounts of human mobility data generated by smartphones, a lack of standardized formats, protocols, and privacy-protected open-source datasets hampers innovation across various sectors, including city planning, transportation design, public health, emergency response, and economic research. The absence of established benchmarks further complicates efforts to evaluate progress and share best practices.Despite the vast amounts of human mobility data generated by smartphones, a lack of standardized formats, protocols, and privacy-protected open-source datasets hampers innovation across various sectors, including city planning, transportation design, public health, emergency response, and economic research. The absence of established benchmarks further complicates efforts to evaluate progress and share best practices.[#item_full_content]

Machine-generated text has been fooling humans for the last four years. Since the release of GPT-2 in 2019, large language model (LLM) tools have gotten progressively better at crafting stories, news articles, student essays and more, to the point that humans are often unable to recognize when they are reading text produced by an algorithm.Machine-generated text has been fooling humans for the last four years. Since the release of GPT-2 in 2019, large language model (LLM) tools have gotten progressively better at crafting stories, news articles, student essays and more, to the point that humans are often unable to recognize when they are reading text produced by an algorithm.[#item_full_content]

Do you find yourself doom-scrolling, or spending more time than you should consuming negative news on the internet and social media and want to stop? Well, there’s now an app for that.Do you find yourself doom-scrolling, or spending more time than you should consuming negative news on the internet and social media and want to stop? Well, there’s now an app for that.[#item_full_content]

Power grid operators, such as National Grid in the UK, rely on high-performance computers to plan grid expansions and to schedule when energy should be produced from different sources. These problems are becoming larger and more complex due to the transition to net zero carbon emissions, and they are now reaching the limits of even the world’s largest supercomputers.Power grid operators, such as National Grid in the UK, rely on high-performance computers to plan grid expansions and to schedule when energy should be produced from different sources. These problems are becoming larger and more complex due to the transition to net zero carbon emissions, and they are now reaching the limits of even the world’s largest supercomputers.[#item_full_content]

Researchers have demonstrated a novel image compression tool that combines recursive algorithms with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to out-perform other approaches to the compression of images from computer art and interaction design. The research is published in the International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering.Researchers have demonstrated a novel image compression tool that combines recursive algorithms with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to out-perform other approaches to the compression of images from computer art and interaction design. The research is published in the International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering.[#item_full_content]

The $184 billion market for artificial intelligence shows no signs of slowing. A big slice of that market is organizations, from businesses to government agencies, that rely on AI to help make decisions. A 2023 study by IBM found 43% of CEOs are using AI to make strategic decisions.The $184 billion market for artificial intelligence shows no signs of slowing. A big slice of that market is organizations, from businesses to government agencies, that rely on AI to help make decisions. A 2023 study by IBM found 43% of CEOs are using AI to make strategic decisions.[#item_full_content]
