In the classic cartoon “The Jetsons,” Rosie the robotic maid seamlessly switches from vacuuming the house to cooking dinner to taking out the trash. But in real life, training a general-purpose robot remains a major challenge.In the classic cartoon “The Jetsons,” Rosie the robotic maid seamlessly switches from vacuuming the house to cooking dinner to taking out the trash. But in real life, training a general-purpose robot remains a major challenge.Robotics[#item_full_content]

The potential of human-AI collaboration has captured our imagination: a future where human creativity and AI’s analytical power combine to make critical decisions and solve complex problems. But new research from the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (CCI) suggests this vision may be much more nuanced than we once thought.The potential of human-AI collaboration has captured our imagination: a future where human creativity and AI’s analytical power combine to make critical decisions and solve complex problems. But new research from the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (CCI) suggests this vision may be much more nuanced than we once thought.Business[#item_full_content]

Imagine you decide to write a short story about a protagonist who creates an artificial human and then falls in love with it. What gender is your protagonist? What about the artificial human? Would you write a moving love story? A cautionary dystopian tale?Imagine you decide to write a short story about a protagonist who creates an artificial human and then falls in love with it. What gender is your protagonist? What about the artificial human? Would you write a moving love story? A cautionary dystopian tale?Consumer & Gadgets[#item_full_content]

A bruising months-long Hollywood strike helped secure actors and writers some protection from AI, but a year after those ructions studios and creatives are still divided on the tech.A bruising months-long Hollywood strike helped secure actors and writers some protection from AI, but a year after those ructions studios and creatives are still divided on the tech.Machine learning & AI[#item_full_content]

When the pandemic hit, I found myself stuck in a pub in rural Queensland. The undeniably enviable position meant that in between working remotely for an AI company, I was also helping my parents navigate operating their country pub in lockdown.When the pandemic hit, I found myself stuck in a pub in rural Queensland. The undeniably enviable position meant that in between working remotely for an AI company, I was also helping my parents navigate operating their country pub in lockdown.Business[#item_full_content]

Over the past decade or so, computer scientists have developed increasingly advanced computational techniques that can tackle real-world tasks with human-comparable accuracy. While many of these artificial intelligence (AI) models have achieved remarkable results, they often do not precisely replicate the computations performed by the human brain.Over the past decade or so, computer scientists have developed increasingly advanced computational techniques that can tackle real-world tasks with human-comparable accuracy. While many of these artificial intelligence (AI) models have achieved remarkable results, they often do not precisely replicate the computations performed by the human brain.Hardware[#item_full_content]

Large language models (LLMs) are machine-learning models designed to understand and generate human language. State-of-the-art LLMs have demonstrated outstanding potential in open-domain question answering (ODQA), where the model is tasked with providing answers to factual questions.Large language models (LLMs) are machine-learning models designed to understand and generate human language. State-of-the-art LLMs have demonstrated outstanding potential in open-domain question answering (ODQA), where the model is tasked with providing answers to factual questions.Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]

Ensuring the security of network systems and infrastructure is a critical aspect of cybersecurity. Penetration testing (pentesting) is an effective method for evaluating the network security posture.Ensuring the security of network systems and infrastructure is a critical aspect of cybersecurity. Penetration testing (pentesting) is an effective method for evaluating the network security posture.Security[#item_full_content]

A team of AI researchers with Google’s DeepMind London group has found that certain large language models (LLMs) can serve as effective mediators between groups of people with differing viewpoints regarding a given topic. The work is published in the journal Science.A team of AI researchers with Google’s DeepMind London group has found that certain large language models (LLMs) can serve as effective mediators between groups of people with differing viewpoints regarding a given topic. The work is published in the journal Science.Consumer & Gadgets[#item_full_content]
