Mobile robots have become increasingly sophisticated and are now being deployed in a growing number of real-world environments, including airports, malls, museums, health care facilities and other settings. So far, however, most of these robots have been introduced in clearly defined indoor environments, as opposed to completing missions that would require them to travel across the city or explore unknown and unmapped spaces.Mobile robots have become increasingly sophisticated and are now being deployed in a growing number of real-world environments, including airports, malls, museums, health care facilities and other settings. So far, however, most of these robots have been introduced in clearly defined indoor environments, as opposed to completing missions that would require them to travel across the city or explore unknown and unmapped spaces.[#item_full_content]
In what is being called a milestone in mobile robotics, an AI-assisted drone has defeated drones controlled by humans in an obstacle course testing precision flight patterns and speed.In what is being called a milestone in mobile robotics, an AI-assisted drone has defeated drones controlled by humans in an obstacle course testing precision flight patterns and speed.[#item_full_content]
Soft inflatable robots have emerged as a promising paradigm for applications that require inherent safety and adaptability. However, the integration of sensing and control systems in these robots has posed significant challenges without compromising their softness, form factor, or capabilities.Soft inflatable robots have emerged as a promising paradigm for applications that require inherent safety and adaptability. However, the integration of sensing and control systems in these robots has posed significant challenges without compromising their softness, form factor, or capabilities.[#item_full_content]
A team of mechanical engineers at Cornell University, working with a colleague from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, has designed and built a tiny robot that is powered by a combustion engine. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes how they built their tiny engine and possible uses for it. Ryan Truby, with Northwestern University, has published a Perspective piece in the same journal issue outlining the work done by the team on this new effort.A team of mechanical engineers at Cornell University, working with a colleague from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, has designed and built a tiny robot that is powered by a combustion engine. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes how they built their tiny engine and possible uses for it. Ryan Truby, with Northwestern University, has published a Perspective piece in the same journal issue outlining the work done by the team on this new effort.[#item_full_content]
Researchers at the University of Washington have developed small robotic devices that can change how they move through the air by “snapping” into a folded position during their descent. The team published these results in Science Robotics.Researchers at the University of Washington have developed small robotic devices that can change how they move through the air by “snapping” into a folded position during their descent. The team published these results in Science Robotics.[#item_full_content]
Large language models (LLMs) are advanced deep learning techniques that can interact with humans in real-time and respond to prompts about a wide range of topics. These models have gained much popularity after the release of ChatGPT, a model created by OpenAI that surprised many users for its ability to generate human-like answers to their questions.Large language models (LLMs) are advanced deep learning techniques that can interact with humans in real-time and respond to prompts about a wide range of topics. These models have gained much popularity after the release of ChatGPT, a model created by OpenAI that surprised many users for its ability to generate human-like answers to their questions.[#item_full_content]
In a virtual reality study that sheds light on the intricacies of human-robot interactions, researchers have discovered that humans are capable of experiencing empathic embarrassment when witnessing robots go through embarrassing situations.In a virtual reality study that sheds light on the intricacies of human-robot interactions, researchers have discovered that humans are capable of experiencing empathic embarrassment when witnessing robots go through embarrassing situations.[#item_full_content]
Researchers who created a soft robot that could navigate simple mazes without human or computer direction have now built on that work, creating a “brainless” soft robot that can navigate more complex and dynamic environments. The paper, “Physically Intelligent Autonomous Soft Robotic Maze Escaper,” was published Sept. 8 in the journal Science Advances.Researchers who created a soft robot that could navigate simple mazes without human or computer direction have now built on that work, creating a “brainless” soft robot that can navigate more complex and dynamic environments. The paper, “Physically Intelligent Autonomous Soft Robotic Maze Escaper,” was published Sept. 8 in the journal Science Advances.[#item_full_content]
Recently published research assessed human trust when collaborating with eyed and non-eyed robots of the same type. The data suggest that humans might not need human-like machines to trust and work with them. Instead, they even seem to collaborate better with machine-like, eyeless machines.Recently published research assessed human trust when collaborating with eyed and non-eyed robots of the same type. The data suggest that humans might not need human-like machines to trust and work with them. Instead, they even seem to collaborate better with machine-like, eyeless machines.[#item_full_content]
The current crop of AI robots has made giant leaps when it comes to tiny activities.The current crop of AI robots has made giant leaps when it comes to tiny activities.[#item_full_content]