Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence transforming society by teaching computers to process information using artificial neural networks that mimic the human brain. It is now used in facial recognition, self-driving cars and even in the playing of complex games like Go. In general, the success of deep learning has depended on using large datasets of labeled images for training purposes.Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence transforming society by teaching computers to process information using artificial neural networks that mimic the human brain. It is now used in facial recognition, self-driving cars and even in the playing of complex games like Go. In general, the success of deep learning has depended on using large datasets of labeled images for training purposes.Software[#item_full_content]

The concept of Waddington landscape, originally proposed by British developmental biologist Conrad Hal Waddington in 1957, has been influential in describing the dynamical evolution of cellular development.The concept of Waddington landscape, originally proposed by British developmental biologist Conrad Hal Waddington in 1957, has been influential in describing the dynamical evolution of cellular development.[#item_full_content]

The concept of Waddington landscape, originally proposed by British developmental biologist Conrad Hal Waddington in 1957, has been influential in describing the dynamical evolution of cellular development.The concept of Waddington landscape, originally proposed by British developmental biologist Conrad Hal Waddington in 1957, has been influential in describing the dynamical evolution of cellular development.Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]

Just as drivers in Brazil can be warned of traffic congestion ahead or a vehicle parked on the hard shoulder, notifications may soon pop up on their smartphone or on their car’s computer screen to warn them in real time that an anteater, wolf or tapir is crossing the highway. No human will necessarily need to see the animal in question or press a control button to send the warning.Just as drivers in Brazil can be warned of traffic congestion ahead or a vehicle parked on the hard shoulder, notifications may soon pop up on their smartphone or on their car’s computer screen to warn them in real time that an anteater, wolf or tapir is crossing the highway. No human will necessarily need to see the animal in question or press a control button to send the warning.Automotive[#item_full_content]

It is no exaggeration to say that the democratization of new forms of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT (OpenAI), Gemini/Bard (Google) and Copilot (Microsoft), is a societal revolution of the digital age.It is no exaggeration to say that the democratization of new forms of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT (OpenAI), Gemini/Bard (Google) and Copilot (Microsoft), is a societal revolution of the digital age.Business[#item_full_content]

A team of AI researchers at Apple claims that their AI system, Reference Resolution As Language Modeling (ReALM), can outperform GPT-4 on some kinds of queries. They have published a paper on the arXiv preprint server describing their new system and its new information-gathering abilities.A team of AI researchers at Apple claims that their AI system, Reference Resolution As Language Modeling (ReALM), can outperform GPT-4 on some kinds of queries. They have published a paper on the arXiv preprint server describing their new system and its new information-gathering abilities.Business[#item_full_content]

New chemistries for batteries, semiconductors and more could be easier to manufacture, thanks to a new approach to making chemically complex materials that researchers at the University of Michigan and Samsung’s Advanced Materials Lab have demonstrated.New chemistries for batteries, semiconductors and more could be easier to manufacture, thanks to a new approach to making chemically complex materials that researchers at the University of Michigan and Samsung’s Advanced Materials Lab have demonstrated.[#item_full_content]

Researchers at Meta AI, Stanford University, Technische, Universität Dresden and the German Cancer Research Center (DFKZ) recently developed DIGIT Pinki, a miniature-sized sensor that can detect tactile information. This sensor, presented in a paper posted to the preprint server arXiv, could be integrated in new medical technologies and robotic systems.Researchers at Meta AI, Stanford University, Technische, Universität Dresden and the German Cancer Research Center (DFKZ) recently developed DIGIT Pinki, a miniature-sized sensor that can detect tactile information. This sensor, presented in a paper posted to the preprint server arXiv, could be integrated in new medical technologies and robotic systems.Robotics[#item_full_content]

Researchers at Meta AI, Stanford University, Technische, Universität Dresden and the German Cancer Research Center (DFKZ) recently developed DIGIT Pinki, a miniature-sized sensor that can detect tactile information. This sensor, presented in a paper posted to the preprint server arXiv, could be integrated in new medical technologies and robotic systems.Researchers at Meta AI, Stanford University, Technische, Universität Dresden and the German Cancer Research Center (DFKZ) recently developed DIGIT Pinki, a miniature-sized sensor that can detect tactile information. This sensor, presented in a paper posted to the preprint server arXiv, could be integrated in new medical technologies and robotic systems.[#item_full_content]

Our muscles are nature’s perfect actuators—devices that turn energy into motion. For their size, muscle fibers are more powerful and precise than most synthetic actuators. They can even heal from damage and grow stronger with exercise.Our muscles are nature’s perfect actuators—devices that turn energy into motion. For their size, muscle fibers are more powerful and precise than most synthetic actuators. They can even heal from damage and grow stronger with exercise.[#item_full_content]
