For some people, the term “black box” brings to mind the recording devices in airplanes that are valuable for postmortem analyzes if the unthinkable happens. For others it evokes small, minimally outfitted theaters. But black box is also an important term in the world of artificial intelligence.For some people, the term “black box” brings to mind the recording devices in airplanes that are valuable for postmortem analyzes if the unthinkable happens. For others it evokes small, minimally outfitted theaters. But black box is also an important term in the world of artificial intelligence.Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]

For the first time, researchers have managed to use GPT1, precursor to the AI chatbot ChatGPT, to translate MRI imagery into text in an effort to understand what someone is thinking.For the first time, researchers have managed to use GPT1, precursor to the AI chatbot ChatGPT, to translate MRI imagery into text in an effort to understand what someone is thinking.Machine learning & AI[#item_full_content]

A robotic bee that can fly fully in all directions has been developed by Washington State University researchers.A robotic bee that can fly fully in all directions has been developed by Washington State University researchers.[#item_full_content]

A robot manipulating objects while, say, working in a kitchen, will benefit from understanding which items are composed of the same materials. With this knowledge, the robot would know to exert a similar amount of force whether it picks up a small pat of butter from a shadowy corner of the counter or an entire stick from inside the brightly lit fridge.A robot manipulating objects while, say, working in a kitchen, will benefit from understanding which items are composed of the same materials. With this knowledge, the robot would know to exert a similar amount of force whether it picks up a small pat of butter from a shadowy corner of the counter or an entire stick from inside the brightly lit fridge.[#item_full_content]

A robot manipulating objects while, say, working in a kitchen, will benefit from understanding which items are composed of the same materials. With this knowledge, the robot would know to exert a similar amount of force whether it picks up a small pat of butter from a shadowy corner of the counter or an entire stick from inside the brightly lit fridge.A robot manipulating objects while, say, working in a kitchen, will benefit from understanding which items are composed of the same materials. With this knowledge, the robot would know to exert a similar amount of force whether it picks up a small pat of butter from a shadowy corner of the counter or an entire stick from inside the brightly lit fridge.Computer Sciences[#item_full_content]

No employee should be “subject to the will of a machine”, European trade union chief Esther Lynch has warned, calling for regulation to ensure humans remain in control as artificial intelligence technology advances at breakneck speed.No employee should be “subject to the will of a machine”, European trade union chief Esther Lynch has warned, calling for regulation to ensure humans remain in control as artificial intelligence technology advances at breakneck speed.Internet[#item_full_content]

Imagine you’re the new manager of a large apartment building and someone has stolen one of your keys—but you’re not sure which one. Was it to a first-floor apartment? The mail room? Maybe it’s a master key to all the units.Imagine you’re the new manager of a large apartment building and someone has stolen one of your keys—but you’re not sure which one. Was it to a first-floor apartment? The mail room? Maybe it’s a master key to all the units.Security[#item_full_content]

Fake image of a Pentagon explosion briefly goes viral

A fake image of an explosion at the Pentagon briefly went viral and caused a ten-minute long dip on the markets on Monday, stoking further talk that generative AI could cause problems to society.A fake image of an explosion at the Pentagon briefly went viral and caused a ten-minute long dip on the markets on Monday, stoking further talk that generative AI could cause problems to society.Internet[#item_full_content]

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a computational model that allows the military to make more efficient use of helicopters, helping commanders move troops on the battlefield more quickly in response to operational demands.North Carolina State University researchers have developed a computational model that allows the military to make more efficient use of helicopters, helping commanders move troops on the battlefield more quickly in response to operational demands.[#item_full_content]

Technical aids are advancing and automated decision-making is becoming increasingly common in the public sector—but what do people really think about think about this trend? A new study from Södertörn University in Sweden has shed light on the issue.Technical aids are advancing and automated decision-making is becoming increasingly common in the public sector—but what do people really think about think about this trend? A new study from Södertörn University in Sweden has shed light on the issue.Consumer & Gadgets[#item_full_content]
